And the Lord said to the servant "Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come" – LUKE 14:23
... there was a young girl who was born into a two parent alcoholic home, who was told she was no good, who drowned that sad news with drugs and alcohol, who hated to go home, who ran wild and was arrested for felony drug charges at 14, then pregnant at 16, who got married to run away from life... who was then physically beaten, abused and again told she was no good... who was a broken, battered emotional wreck with no where left to turn - with absolutely no way to fix her broken life...
She was invited to church by a coworker & heard the words “new life, new hope, healing, just as you are... come”. In a last chance desperate decision went forward and met Jesus there! She was 22. Christ gave her a new beginning, a new life and real hope.
It’s real - I know! That young girl was me...
John 3:16
Life is full of choices... every day. Somewhere around the age of 12 I was offered a choice. Sitting in a church pew as I had been all my young life, I heard the gospel preached that day. The choice was two fold: Christ came into this world to die for my sins and if I accepted Him in my heart He would save me, the other choice was to continue in my sins and go to hell. It really was an easy choice. I asked Jesus into my life that day!
For me, I remained a "church-goer" for many years after inviting Him into my heart.
I didn't realize that there was much more to serving Christ than being in church on Sunday. It is a daily choice!
Life throws many roadblocks and obstacles in our path to discourage us from knowing and growing close to Christ - however, the Bible reminds us that “greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world”. (1 John 4:4) As Christians, we can and will overcome those obstacles!
My desire as I live my life each day is to grow closer to Christ through His Word, talking to God daily through prayer and telling others about Jesus. We are all called to tell others that "He is the way, the truth and the life... '(John 14:6)
Thank you Lord for coming into this sinful world to die on the cross and being resurrected from the dead to give me and others eternal life.
I will forever be grateful for choosing the right road of accepting Christ.
Once Upon A Time...
Choosing the Right Road.